Automobile EVI offers technical support on utilization of steel materials to clients needed for new car development process. EVI activity is composed of four steps according to new car development process.

Car EVI Process

Steps of EVI Activity
01. 'Planning' is a step to decide concept, design and steel material of the car.
Various information for initial concept design including material properties and tear down result (parts analysis after disassembly) can be offered.
02. 'Design' is a step to confirm design of parts and steel type to be applied.
Numerical simulations with respect to collision safety, structural integrity and formability can be conducted to suggest final design concept and applicable steel to clients in this step.
03. 'Build' is a step to manufacture the car prior to mass production.
A variety of guidelines for reduction of forming defect or improvement of weldability is developed based on experimental result. They may be applied to vehicle manufacturing to minimize trial and error
04. 'Evaluation' is a step to evaluate manufactured parts and cars.
Evaluation based on numerical technique for durability, structural stiffness, and crash performance can be provided. In addition it is possible to support the evaluation technology of corrosion and coating for part or assembly unit.